Heather Blazer lined pockets
Having fallen in love with the lined pockets on my Sienna Maker Jacket, I decided to use the same technique on the Heather Blazer by The Friday Pattern Company. You can read my review of the pattern here.

I was originally planning to topstitch them in the same way, but then Claire Tyler whose workshop I was attending, showed me some hand-stitched pockets where the stitching didn’t show on the front and I really liked this look as an alternative. To secure the pocket you essentially do a back stitch, but only catching the folded-under seam allowance. Claire also gave a great tip of doing a few cross stitches at the pocket opening to reinforce it. Otherwise I followed the same technique as described in my blog post.

I loved the amount of control it gives (having sewed my first pocket wonkily on the Sienna jacket, even after basting) and I would certainly consider doing more hand-stitching in the future. My finished pocket could certainly have been straighter along the edges, but somehow I felt it didn't look too out of place with the crumpled linen look. It took a fair amount of time to sew them on, but speed is never my top priority when working on a project.
Sitting there hand-stitching, was another reminder of how much I enjoy the process of putting a garment together. I do of course feel a huge sense of pride and achievement once it’s finished, but that’s just the cherry on the cake.
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